We went on an airplane

We recently took a trip to the east coast. Specifically Boston and Connecticut. As a family we'd never all flown together and our collective total of hours airborne are fairly low. Our reasons for not regularly taking to the skies are part anxiety, part loving routine and part being homebodies. However, we knew we wanted to branch out.

So we did.

Take off

take offs

touch down


Hotel roof bar

Our room had a great view of the hotel bar which Serena and I went to for exactly one drink. The person at the entrance routinely told incoming people that there were no tables available and the whole time we were there there were empty tables. Roof top bar life is confusing.

no trash

The local trash policy.


I always love looking at graffiti and thinking about how the artist(s) got there.

silas zorched

It was at this point Silas seemed a bit touch and go. Don't worry. He rallied.

maparium inside

the maparium is incredible

maparium lobby

the maparium bathroom lobby is also incredible

decent seats

fenway stoke

these seats are incredible!

i bought a hat

this hat is incredi... ok this is now dumb...

kenlsey jansen is my favorite pitcher

Kenley Jansen is my favorite pitcher of all time... and I give zero shits about professional sports.

calvin bought a jersey

silas bought a monster

we baseballed.

dream dream y'all

but did we dream dreams? I dare say we did.

roof panorama

rooftop pano

tex showed up

name a cooler crew... I'll wait

serena played pinall

Serena took it down to Cactus Canyon

she also played terminator salvation 1

she also played terminator salvation 1

Only to be interrupted by some nefarious robots.

then we went to connecticut

We then headed out to rural Connecticut in order to reset

where I took this emo album cover

and I took this photo that I feel belongs on the album cover of a late 90's emo band.

the boys frollicked

The boys frollicked

my aunt in law rules

My aunt in law (is that how you say it?) has the raddest shirt of all time.

how things work

I have no need for this switch in my house but I just might install one.

we saw a treehouse

An incredible tree house where if I remember correctly Maurice Sendak may have slept in at one point.

installed 9/12/2001

Undoubtedly this sign was installed on 9/12/2001.

we cute

Pretty cute.

a clean well lit place

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place.

insert destroyer lyric here

bridge pano

River time

serena's church

Back to Boston to check out Serena's church.

edward munch... insert another destroyer lyric

I loved this Edward Munch painting. It kind of reminded me of the the album cover for Destroyer's "Trouble In Dreams" even though it actually looks quite different.

boston harbor hotel

Our accommodations for the final night.

It was a great trip. Everyone held it together really great. Upon returning we discovered that Silas had brought like 8 pounds of books in his backpack. We're still learning to how to be jetsetters.